Safeguard yourself with our staircase safety nets
Staircase safety nets are mainly for the kindergarten and children at home. Staircase prevents the children from falling. We can provide hundred percent care of children all day; there are lots of possibilities for the accident to happen in schools, kindergarten, and homes. Staircase case safety nets provide the best solution for all sort of problems. Staircase safety nets for children is not only for the children but also for elderly persons. Sometimes grown people also need more care and attention as children. So staircase safety nets are essential for the old people and as well as kids.
Get quality staircase safety net from us
Prasanna Staircase safety comes up with the international standard quality in the Staircase safety nets around the city of Bangalore. Prasanna Staircase safety nets in Bangalore ready to customize their product based on the customer needs. Prasanna Staircase safety nets use the Nylon and the Polypropylene as their core material which can stand as a Weather resistant and it provides long durability when compared to other products.
Wide range of staircase safety nets
Prasanna safety nets provide different types of staircase safety nets depend on the need and where to be installed. Such as Stair-rail safety nets, Fall safety nets for the stairwell, Staircase barrier net. Each type of safety nets provides the unique function in the installed area. The Stare-rail safety nets should be installed in the house of children. While playing, there are lots of chances for the slipping through the stair-rail space which may cause severe damage. By installing the Stair-rail safety nets, you can reduce the risk of children and the old people from slipping through the rails. Stair well are usually seen in every building, and it stands for the higher risk, sometimes it may lead to the loss of life depends on the height.
Public places too need staircase safety nets
Staircase safety nets are highly prescribed for the hospitals, shopping malls, schools, public areas and also for homes. Staircase safety nets act as a barrier to that staircase, it prevents the people from falling and slipping. Moreover, it also can help as a compound barrier.
Safety nets treat all the safety regulation so that you can rely on Prasanna safety nets and its service towards the people of Bangalore.
Prasanna safety nets also provide service such as Sport safety nets, Parking lots of safety nets, Bird spikes, Pool safety nets in Bangalore at a reasonable price.